Visual podcasting is becoming more and more popular and a big sign of YouTube’s commitment to the medium is the release of its 67-page best practice guide. A comprehensive guide that goes into content creation and channel strategy. The platform is the 2nd biggest search engine and one of the most significant audio platforms, with over 2 billion users, so it is worth factoring the platform into your overall podcast strategy.
At 67 pages the guide is pretty exhaustive and can be found here.
We have pulled out some topline considerations to help you start thinking about YouTube in line with your overall podcast strategy.
Playlists - YouTube has clearly stated that playlists are the most effective tools for successful podcasting on the platform and advise that you keep your complete episode list separate from shorter form content & clips if they are different in style and format to the full episodes.
Shorts - uploading your full episode is recommended to get the best reach out of the platform but Youtube has also created “shorts” where you can upload shorter form content and clips. According to Youtube, they are strongest when you have a mix of both but if you aren’t ready to put full podcast eps on the platform then utilising the shorts function could be a start.
Channels - depending on your brand (personal &/ or business) you may need to create a separate YouTube channel or you could merge your podcast into an existing one. It depends on your audience and what that audience will expect of your content.
Branding - make specific branding for YouTube. Thumbnails and tiles with clear messaging that reflect the content. Always use the show name for consistency but mix up the titles and include searchable keywords. Use artwork that stands out and includes an image of the host and/ or guest.
Publishing - consistency is ALWAYS key over frequency. Whilst posting high volume might jump-start followers you should pick a frequency that you can maintain and communicate publishing dates on your channel banners.
Maximise Youtube's promotional tools to grow and engage with your audience; shorts, community, stories, and end cards.
Audio Vs Video on YouTube - Generally the YouTube audience connects with a person over a brand or business, so video footage of your podcast is stronger on Youtube than an audio clip over imagery.
Production - YouTube is a little rough around the edges, especially in the podcasting area as it creates an authentic vibe, BUT you still need sound quality to be good! Download our free podcast guide here for simple and cheap tricks to good sound recording. If you have any questions or would like to chat in more detail then get in touch at [email protected]